TikTok Growth: 21 Ways to Get More Followers and Reach


Since its launch, TikTok has grown like crazy and is now a go to platform for users, businesses and brand influencers to reach a global audience. Yes, it’s hard to get noticed on a platform with over a billion users. And planning with a strategic mind on how you’re going to use the features and tap into raw creativity on TikTok is what this is all about. Here in this blog I’ll go through 21 ways to get more followers and increase your reach on TikTok.

21 Ways to Get More Followers and Reach on Tiktok

1. Optimize Your Profile

You need to start with your TikTok profile because that’s what everybody sees first. First of all, create a catchy, memorable and relevant username to your content. The bio should be good for new visitors and descriptive to the point where they know what to expect. The profile picture can be professional or just a person; it will mainly attract your profile. Also linking other social media handles to your TikTok profile will help in cross promotion and get followers from other channels.

2. Understand Your Audience

In short, to grow on this platform you should know who your target audience is and what kind of content will resonate with them. Find out what interests and behaviors their content is. You can also analyze your current followers to see what works and what doesn’t work with them. The more your content is adjusted to your audience’s wants the more they will follow you.

3. Post Consistently

With TikTok it’s another story: you don’t just need to be consistent with your content but also post more consistently. Yes, you should try to post at least once a day. Using scheduling tools can help you plan content and even out a regular posting schedule even when you’re super busy. Consistency builds momentum and keeps your followers engaged.

4. Leverage Trending Hashtags

Hashtags can definitely help you extend your reach on TikTok. By using trending hashtags you will maximize the reach of your content to the highest possible number of users. You get to use a lot of tools and ways to find the trending hashtags that are relevant to your content. Use them wisely because overloading your posts with hashtags can look spammy. A few relevant and well linked hashtags with your content will do wonders..

5. Create High-Quality Content

Good content is one of the biggest reasons people follow and stay. Make sure the videos are well lit and clear, shot in high definition. Doing some easy editing tricks like add transitions, effects or captions will make your content look better and more professional. Good content will keep your existing followers interested and attract new viewers who like well made videos.

6. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is a big factor in building a loyal following on TikTok. Make sure you answer comments on your videos. This will start to build a connection between you and the viewer. Moreover by going live you can interact with your audience in real time by answering questions and asking for feedback. These will make the audience feel valued and more willing to be part of your content as your followers and ambassadors.

7. Collaborate with Other Creators

You can get more followers especially if you work with other creators on TikTok. TikTok features like Duets and Stitch also make it easy to work with other creators even if you’re not in the same location. Cross promotion is also a sure way to get collaborations with influencers or other creators targeting the same audience. Such collaborations will increase your reach and add variety to your content so it will stay fresh.

8. Participate in Challenges

TikTok challenges can be a sure way to get you visible on the platform. Joining popular challenges will most likely give you that extra exposure to a bigger audience since people tend to search and watch content related to challenges. Make sure the challenge you’re joining has something to do with your brand or your content theme. Add your own twist so your video will be different. Hence that will increase the chance to go viral.

9. Utilize TikTok Ads

The platform has several ad formats that will help you grow your audience fast. From In-Feed ads, Branded Hashtag Challenges and TopView ads, each has its own benefits. TikTok has sophisticated targeting options that allows you to reach specific demographics, interests and behaviors so the right people will see your ads. If done right you can get a huge following through TikTok ads.

10. Engage in TikTok Communities

Niche communities on TikTok can be used to gain more followers. Most of the time these communities will be in love with something or another; making content that really speaks to them will attract a loyal following. You can also build your community by posting consistent content that caters to a specific interest. This will create over time a group of people who will engage with your content and promote it.

11. Analyze and Adapt

One has to monitor the performance of TikTok on a regular basis. Analytics tools help give insights into the performance of content, demographics, and engagement rates within TikTok. You determine what really works and what does not. If some types of content do better, it’s only right to be keen on making more of that type of content. It is adapting your strategy to such kinds of insights that will call for continuous growth and maintaining the audience you have as active and engaged.

12. Cross-Promote Your TikTok Content

Another way of increasing your TikTok followers is through cross-promotion. Share your TikTok short clips on other social media sites: Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Embedding the TikTok videos on the site or blog gives extra exposure to the much wider audience. The more visible your content is, the higher the chances of gaining new followers.

13. Use Music Creatively

Music is intrinsic to the core of TikTok content, so using music creatively can do a lot toward making your videos popular. In an ideal scenario, if you add music that is already trending, surfers who are looking for or surfing with that sound should have a higher chance of reaching your content. Original sounds do work to create brand differentiation; it helps you stand out from the many creators. Music can help you make your videos more emotional and, hence, more engaging and shareable.

14. Experiment with TikTok’s Features

TikTok is forever coming up with new features and tools that you can use to uplift your content. Keeping in the loop with these updates and checking their efficacy can help refresh your content. For example, you can make your videos interactive by inserting some polls, Q&A, and filters, among others. Using new features early might make your brand stand ahead of others and attract more followers who are interested in trends.

15. Leverage User-Generated Content

UGC is one of the great methods that helps in increasing reach and engagement on TikTok. Give your followers an incentive to create content including your brand or products, or participating in a challenge. Not only does UGC act as social proof, but it will also help you tap into your followers’ networks, growing your reach even further. Come up with content challenges or prompts for your followers to take part in and share their content, increasing your brand’s visibility even further on the platform.

16. Optimize for TikTok’s Algorithm

This means that you know the TikTok algorithm and, as a result, you are sure to make this content available to a much larger audience. This all depends on the algorithm’s bias, which has bases in user interactions, video information, and account settings: it will forward content with lots of engagement, meaning more likes, comments, shares, or watch time. Besides, by using hashtags and keywords relative to the content used in the caption or description, you make sure those videos become part of the search results and hence increase your reach.

17. Utilize TikTok SEO

TikTok SEO optimization refers to making your content more discoverable on the platform. Start by doing keyword research; this will help you find what people are likely to be searching for within your niche or industry. In that light, use search terms in your video captions, descriptions, and hashtags for a better chance of showing up in the search results. Optimizing content for better TikTok SEO results and attracting organic followers indicates that people are actively and willingly looking for the kind of content you create.

18. Create a Content Calendar

A calendar for content will therefore guide you through efforts toward maintaining consistency so that you cannot be taken wondering what to do next. A content calendar can help you schedule content around important dates, events, or trends so you never miss your shot. You can manage that with a seasonal or event-based content calendar that would be linked to that current trend to have an appeal for more followers. Content calendar means being ready all the time given that it provides a slow but sure trickle of content all the time.

19. Engage with Trendsetters and Influencers

Partner with influencers on TikTok who can help get your content visible. Find them by looking for users with large followings and whose posts relate to your brand and audience. Engage with them by commenting on their posts, share their content, or reach out for collaboration. Most times, truly influential influencers do have a strong following, and an endorsement from them will yield you credibility and attract new followers. Often, engaging with influencers keeps you updated on the latest trends flowing in your niche.

20. Focus on Storytelling

Storytelling connects the emotional dots among your audience. Not just any type of videos should be posted, but rather a story needs to be told—be it about the brand, the personal journey, or even the theme. Storytelling helps you build trust at a deeper level with your audience, which makes the content more memorable and shareable. Think, too, in terms of creating a series of videos related in some way; these will keep followers engaged and coming back for more.

21. Monitor Competitors

Studying your competitors will help you understand how things tick and sometimes even how they don’t on TikTok. Look at their content strategy, the frequency of posting, engagement rates, and the kind of content they are producing. This can help you learn from their mistakes and successes in sharpening your strategy.


One will need to incorporate creativity, consistency, and strategic planning in order to increase followers and grow reach on TikTok. These 21 surefire ways to optimize your content, engage your audience, and always stay ahead of the trends. Keep in mind that success on TikTok does not happen in a day; it requires dedication and patience with the right kind of approach to build presence and be one of those who create an impact. These will be helpful to any content creator, influencer, or business looking to grow a loyal following and reach their TikTok growth goals.


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Adam Roger

CEO and Founder of Magetop. A friend, a husband and a dad of two children. Adam loves to travel to experience new cultures and discover what is happening with ecommerce all around the world.

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