The Best Magento 2 Extensions For An Ecommerce Startup (Part 2)
In the previous part, I introduced with you about Magento 2 extensions for an eCommerce startup. In this part, I will continue to introduce with you part 2 of the best Magento 2 extensions for an eCommerce startup.
Let’s start!
First, You own offline stores, you want your customers to come to those stores. Have an extension can do this. Magento 2 Store Locator Extension helps customers quickly find the nearest offline stores with your products by displaying them on a handy Google map. Specify additional information for each store location to maximally streamline the shopping process.
Main features:
- Search store within radius, by zip code or by city/state.
- Create, edit, delete store location details like address, images, URL, Description, contact info.
- Display store opening and closing time with lunch breaks.
- Mobile & user-friendly user interface.
- Meta insertion option makes it SEO friendly.
- 100% Open-source, Support multi-store, Support multi-language.

Next, You want your products are widely sold, you want to increase sales to your store. You can use Magento 2 Affiliate Extension. This extension is one of the most effective marketing solutions for online stores. Drive sales through affiliate pay-per-sale channels. Easily conduct affiliate campaigns by recommending affiliates the best products to promote. Reward affiliates with commissions for every purchase within a campaign.
Main features:
- Unlimited Affiliate Accounts & Affiliate Campaigns.
- Smart Referral Links, Email Notifications.
- Multiple Affiliate Programs & Multi-level Marketing.
- Support Pay Per Sale & Customizable Affiliate links.
- Support Affiliate Groups & Refer a friend.
- Lifetime Commissions & Withdraw Commissions.

Next, An extension is one of the best Magento 2 extensions for your Magento eCommerce website. Magento 2 Ajax Layered Navigation Extension provides a richer user experience for your customer and is particularly well suited for stores that have a lot of variable products or products with some attributes. This extension is a must-have for the store owner looking for a way to make their shop stand out.
Main features:
- Ajax Loading page.
- Enhance UX by Ajax technology.
- Lightening-fast Ajax Navigation.
- Ajax Add to wishlist.
- Multi-filters & Filter the options.
- Responsive & Retina Devices Support.

Next, you want to build trust, create loyalty, create attachment and increase shopping experience with customers. Magento 2 Reward Points Extension can help you do this. Reward Points are also known as Loyalty Points is the best way to encourage your customers by awarding points for the actions(Registering on the site, Product Purchase, etc) performed successfully in your Magento store. Customers can get the benefits to use their points and get discounts on future purchases.
Main features:
- Develop Effective Loyalty Program.
- Reward customers for every profitable action.
- Gamify shopping experience using a tiered loyalty program.
- Motivate existing customers to refer their friends and family.
- Integrate your store with other systems via API.
- It helps to build the relationship between customers and shop owner.

Finally, An extension is very useful too. It helps create a friendly environment, customers can give gifts to each other via gift cards. Magento 2 Gift Card Extension allows your users to purchase gift cards of the amounts you want and they will receive a pretty gift card via email with a discount code, and encourage your customers to gift them to possible new users of your shop. This way, you will kill two birds with one stone: the possibility to make appreciated presents and the chance to promote your products thanks to convenient coupons.
Main features:
- A new product type, Gift-card, to configure your own gift cards.
- Set the amount you want to use for each Gift Card.
- The admin can enable or disable a gift card.
- Email the gift card to the recipient once the order has been completed.
- The recipient can use it as a discount code as far as there’s credit available.

It comes to the end of the blog: The best Magento 2 extensions for an eCommerce startup (Part 2)
We hope this is useful blog for you.
Let’s look forward to other extensions for an eCommerce startup in part 3!
Thank you for reading!