Magetop Store Pickup Extension Guide

Magetop Store Pickup Extension Guide will give you solid understanding of how to use Extension. These Magento 2 tutorials cover back-end and front-end development.

I. Introduction

Magetop Store Pickup Extension

Magento 2 Store Pickup Extension allows customers to pick up their orders from the nearest store and they can view the pickup store on Google Maps. Supply for your store an extra shipping method and reduce risks during shipping. Increase customer shopping experience, flexibility in shipping, drive more sales for your store.

Highlight features:

  • Add store pickup unlimited and use them as a new shipping method.
  • Select the pickup store at the checkout page.
  • Manage Stores from Admin Panel.
  • Easy to Find Store Locator With Google Map.
  • Select delivery date in the checkout page by one click.
  • Add all the details of a given pick up location.
  • Access the longitude and latitude value of the listed stores.
  • Specify the available days and time slots of the store.

II. How to use

Customers select Store Pickup in the Shipping Method section of the Checkout Page page to use this feature.

Select Store Pickup Shipping Methods In Checkout Page

After selecting the shipping method, customers will be asked to choose the pickup store and pickup date.

Click to Select store by map to select store want to pick up your items.

Click Select store by map
Select store by map

After you select store want to pick up your items, it will display the message:

Message displayed after you select a store

Next, select pickup date in Pick Up Date field.

Select Pick Up Date

Then complete the checkout.

In the Admin Panel, Order will display information about the Store Pickup to the manager.

Display store pickup information in order

III. How to configure

III.1. Maps Settings

Go to CONTENT -> Store Pickup -> Maps Settings.

Go to Maps Settings

Default Maps Settings

Default Maps Settings
  • Default Latitude: Enter the default latitude you want Google Map to display.
  • Default Longitude: Enter the default longitude you want Google Map to display.
  • Default Zoom: Enter the number for the zoom level you want.

Click Save Config button when complete.

III.2. Configuration

To go to Store Pickup Configuration, choose CONTENT -> Store Pickup -> Configurations.

Go to Configuration

Store Pickup

Store Pickup Configuration

The Store Pickup is used as a shipping method on the Checkout Page so we configure it like any other shipping method.

  • Enabled: Select “Yes” to enable Store Pickup shipping method.
  • Title: Set the Title for the store pickup on the checkout page.
  • Method Name: Create a description of the shipping method in the Method Name field.
  • Shipping Cost: Enter the shipping cost that you want. Default is 0.
  • Displayed Error Message: Enter an error message in the Displayed Error Message box that will appear if Store Pickup is not available.
  • Ship to Applicable Countries:
    • All Allowed Countries: This shipping method is supported for every country.
    • Specific Countries: This shipping method is only supported for selected countries.
  • Show Method if Not Applicable:
    • Select “Yes” if you want to show Store Pickup all time.
    • Select “No” to not show Store Pickup if not applicable.
  • Sort Order: Set the Sort Order on the Shipping Method on the checkout page.

When complete, click Save Config button.

III.3. Manage Stores

Go to CONTENT -> Store Pickup -> Manage Stores to access the Stores Management page.

Go to Manage Stores
III.3.1. Stores Management

You can perform Edit, Delete on each store by selecting Select in the last column in the table.

Perform Edit, Delete on each store

Alternatively, you can perform a mass action like Enable, Disable, Delete with all stores.

Perform a mass action (Stores Management)
Perform a mass action like Enable, Disable, Delete

If you have lots of Stores, you can choose the number of stores displayed on the page.

Choose the number of stores displayed on the page
III.3.2. Add New Store Pickup

From the Stores Management page, click Add New Store button.

From the Stores Management page, click Add New Store button

Fill out the Store Information and Google Maps Location on the form.

Fill out the Store Information and Google Maps Location on the form

When complete, click Save Store button.

When complete, click Save Store button (Add New Store)

IV. Conclude

Above is our guide for Magetop Store Pickup Extension. If you have any questions please boldly contact us. We will help you. Thanks for reading.

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Aaron LX

Aaron is a passionate writer, crazy about shopping, eCommerce and trends. Besides his outstanding research skills and a positive mind, Aaron eagerly shares his experience with the readers.

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