Magetop Auto Invoice & Shipment Extension Guide

Magetop Auto Invoice & Shipment Extension Guide will give you solid understanding of how to use Extension. These Magento 2 tutorials cover back-end and front-end development.

I. Introduction

Magetop Auto Invoice & Shipment Extension Guide

Auto Invoice and Shipment Magento 2 extension is save time to create invoice manual and payment transaction. This extension generates invoice and shipment process to customers automatically after their order placed.

Highlight features:

  • Enable/Disable extension from the backend.
  • Easy to install and configure with your store.
  • Helps to make order process quick and automatically.
  • Automatically create invoices and shipments process.
  • Confirmation email of invoices and shipment send to the customer automatically.
  • Generates invoice and shipment process to customers automatically after their order placed.
  • Auto Invoice and Shipment Magento 2 extension specially use for offline payment methods.

II. How to configure

To configure Auto Invoice & Shipment, go to STORES -> Settings -> Configuration.

Go to Configuration

Expand Sales section -> Sales.

Choose Sales Sales

Expand Auto invoice section.

Expand Auto invoice section
  • Schedule procedure: Select “Yes” to enable Auto Invoice and Shipment module. Default system value is Yes.
  • Cron expression: Enter the cron expression into field. Default system value is 0 * * * * which means run at every second.

Processing Rules: Select Source Status, Payment Method (provides compatibility with multiple payment methods), Destination Status, Action on the table.

Source Status and Destination Status
Source Status and Destination Status
Payment Method
Payment Methods

Click Add Rule button if you want add a new rule.

Click Add Rule button

Click Trash icon on the Action column to detele that rule.

Click Trash icon on the Action Column

When complete, click Save Config button.

III. Auto Invoice and Shipment

In Configuration, Processing Rules have a rule that is set:

  • Source Status: Processing.
  • Payment Method: Check / Money order.
  • Destination Status: Processing.
Set the rule

And Cron expression set run at every second.

You can see status, payment method and time are set to match with below images.

Orders Page
Orders Page
Order Detail Page
Order Detail Page

You can configure automated invoices and shipments for your store with many rules you want.

IV. Conclude

Above is our guide for Magetop Auto Invoice & Shipment Extension. If you have any questions please boldly contact us. We will help you. Thanks for reading.

It comes to the end of the blog: Magetop Auto Invoice & Shipment Extension Guide.

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Aaron LX

Aaron is a passionate writer, crazy about shopping, eCommerce and trends. Besides his outstanding research skills and a positive mind, Aaron eagerly shares his experience with the readers.

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