How To Create A New Store View In Magento 2

You own a multinational store with traffic from many parts of the world. To accommodate this number of visitors, your store must support multiple languages. This helps you to increase user experience, decrease bounce rate, increase sales for your store. To do that, I will guide you How To Create A New Store View In Magento 2.

What is Store View?

Store views are typically used to make the store available in different locales. Shoppers can use the language chooser in the header of the store to change the store view.

Each store that is available to customers is presented according to a specific view. Initially, a store has a single default view. Additional store views can be added to support different languages, or for other purposes. Customers can use the language chooser in the header to change the store view.

Steps To Create A New Store View In Magento 2

Step 1: Login to Admin Panel.

Step 2: Choose STORES -> Settings -> All Stores.

Choose Store All Store in the left side bar

Step 3: Click Create Store View button.

Click Create Store View

Step 4: Set Store to the parent store of this view.

Set Store to the parent store of this view

Step 5: Enter a Name for this store view.

  • The name appears in the language chooser in the store header. For example: Spanish.

Step 6: Enter a Code in lowercase characters to identify the view. For example: spanish.

Step 7: To activate the view, set Status to Enabled.

Step 8: Enter a Sort Order number to determine the sequence in which this view is listed with other views.

Fill information to Store View Information form

Step 9: Click Save Store View button.

Click Save Store View

Let’s see the result:

Result All Store
All Stores Page
Result Home Page
Home Page

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Aaron LX

Aaron is a passionate writer, crazy about shopping, eCommerce and trends. Besides his outstanding research skills and a positive mind, Aaron eagerly shares his experience with the readers.

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