Magento 2.4 System Requirements

At the end of July, the latest Magento version was released with many improved features and bug fixes. It promises to be the optimal version for your Magento store. Magento encourages users to upgrade to the new version to benefit from the improved features. To upgrade or install this version, you should refer to Magento 2.4 System Requirements.

Operating Systems Requirement
  • Linux (x86-64) such as RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, or similar.
Note: Microsoft Windows and Mac OS do not support.
Memory Requirement
  • >= 2GB of RAM.
Note: If < 2GB of RAM, Magento recommends you create a swap file.
Web Servers Requirement
  • Apache 2.4 (Enable the Apache mod_rewrite and mod_version modules).
  • nginx 1.x.
Database Requirement
  • MySQL 8.0 (for on-premise installations).
  • MariaDB 10.4 (for Magento Commerce Cloud projects).
Note: With MySQL 5.7.9, MariaDB 10.2Percona 5.7, Magento can also be compatible but it is not recommended.
PHP Requirement
  • PHP 7.3 (Upgrade from Magento 2.3.x to Magento 2.4.0).
  • PHP 7.4.0.
Note: In PHP 7.4.2, There was an error that prevented the message from displaying properly.
Required PHP extensions
  • ext-bcmath
  • ext-ctype
  • ext-curl
  • ext-dom
  • ext-gd
  • ext-hash
  • ext-iconv
  • ext-intl
  • ext-mbstring
  • ext-openssl
  • ext-pdo_mysql
  • ext-simplexml
  • ext-soap
  • ext-xsl
  • ext-zip
  • ext-sockets
PHP OPcache
  • Magento recommends enabling PHP OPcache for better performance.
PHP Settings
  • Magento recommends particular PHP configuration settings (such as memory_limit) to avoid common problems while using Magento.
Elasticsearch Requirement
  • As of Magento 2.4.0, MySQL is no longer used for searching. You must use Elasticsearch.
  • Elasticsearch 7.6.x.
Composer Requirement
  • Composer is required for developers.
Note: Magento does not support Composer 2.x.
SSL Requirement
  • A valid security certificate is required for HTTPS.
Required system dependencies
  • bash
  • gzip
  • lsof
  • mysql
  • mysqldump
  • nice
  • php
  • sed
  • tar
Mail server
  • Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) or an SMTP server.
Supported Browsers Requirement
Browser Version OS
Microsoft Edge latest–1
Firefox latest, latest–1 Any OS
Chrome latest, latest–1 Any OS
Safari latest, latest–1 Mac OS
Safari Mobile (iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPad with Retina Display) for desktop storefront iOS 12 or later
Safari Mobile (iPhone 6 or later) for mobile storefront iOS 12 or later
Chrome Mobile for mobile storefront latest–1 Android 4 or later
Note: latest–1 means one major version earlier than the latest released version.
Technologies Can Use
  • Redis Version 5.0.
  • Varnish Version 6.x.
  • RabbitMQ 3.8.x.
Recommend Options
  • php_xdebug 2.5.x (development environments only, can decrease performance).
  • PHPUnit 9.0.0.

This is the end of the Magento 2.4 System Requirements.

You can read more useful articles like How to install Magento 2.4 On XAMPP.

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Adam Roger

CEO and Founder of Magetop. A friend, a husband and a dad of two children. Adam loves to travel to experience new cultures and discover what is happening with ecommerce all around the world.

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