How To Install Plesk On CentOS 7

In this post, I will guide you on How To Install Plesk On CentOS 7. Install one of the most popular current hosting control panels.

Plesk is a popular website control panel and widely used. It allows a server administrator to set up new websites, reseller accounts, e-mail accounts, and DNS entries through a web-based interface.

Steps To Install Plesk On CentOS 7


  • CentOS 7 server.
  • The root user (Because we execute all commands as root).

Install Plesk

1. Connect to your server via SSH.

ssh root@<your-ip-address> -p <your-port-number>

2. Install necessary packages.

yum install wget

3. Go to root folder.

cd /root

4. Download Plesk installer.


5. Add permissions for execution to downloaded Plesk installer.

chmod +x plesk-installer

6. Initiate Plesk installer.


Once the installation finishes, you will see the output like this:

Install Plesk Complete 2

Adjust the Firewall

By default, Plesk listens for connections on port 8443. If your firewall running on your CentOS server, you’ll need to open the Plesk port.

Run the following commands:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8443/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

Access Plesk

To go to Plesk, type your server’s hostname name or public IP address and the Webmin port 8443.


You wait for a while for the process of setting up the Plesk Panel.

Setting up the Plesk panel

Next, you fill in some information such as password, license, … and then you will see Plesk Dashboard.

Plesk Dashboard

This is the end of the post.

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Aaron LX

Aaron is a passionate writer, crazy about shopping, eCommerce and trends. Besides his outstanding research skills and a positive mind, Aaron eagerly shares his experience with the readers.

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